CTP expanduje v Nizozemsku koupí Amsterdam Logistic Cityhub za bezmála 8 miliard korun

CTP, jeden pěti největších průmyslových developerů v Evropě, jehož podnikání odstartovalo v Česku a jehož akcie se obchodují na Amsterodamské burze Euronext, kupuje Amsterdam Logistic Cityhub.

Jde o největší realitní transakci průmyslové nemovitosti v Nizozemí v historii. CTP za budovu, která bude dostavěna koncem roku 2022 a již je částečně pronajata, zaplatí 307 milionů EUR, tedy bezmála 8 miliard CZK.

Městské XXL logistické centrum v přístavní amsterdamské čtvrti Western Docklands budu po dokončení disponovat 120 000 metry čtverečními plochy pro skladování a tzv. doručování poslední míle. Víceúrovňové centrum nabídne také 11 000 metrů čtverečních kanceláří, 1 700 parkovacích míst, 200 nakládkových doků a 180 metrů dlouhé nábřeží.

CTP budovu ALC kupuje od podnikatelů Wima Beelena (Larendael Development) a Paula Vermaata (Bridges Real Estate). Budova je odpovědí na silnou poptávku po skladovacích prostorech vhodných pro koncové doručení do centra Amsterdamu po zemi i po vodě, a to bezemisním způsobem. Amsterdam Logistic Cityhub má strategickou polohu v amsterdamském přístavu s přímým přístupem na městský okruh a severní mořský kanál. Budova bude dokončena ve čtvrtém pololetí 2022 a již nyní je částečně pronajata.

Budova je konstruována s ohledem na maximální ekologické standardy a provoz na úrovni energetické neutrality. Samotná budova bude napájena vlastními fotovoltaickými panely a větrnými turbínami. Po vodě pak umožní obsluhu loděmi s elektrickým pohonem. Budova samotná cílí na ekologický standard BREEAM Excellent.


Ralph de Munnik, ředitel CTP pro Nizozemsko řekl: “Jsme extrémně hrdí na tento obchod a těšíme na spolupráci s městem Amsterdam a jeho přístavem. Amsterdam Logistic Cityhub je pionýrský počin v oblasti obsluhy přetížených městských center a poptávka po podobných typech budov dle nás jen poroste.“  

CTP, a top-five industrial property developer in Europe, today announced the acquisition of the Amsterdam Logistic Cityhub (ALC) with a net transaction value of €307 million for 100% of the shares of the single-asset. The XXL city hub in the Western Docklands of Amsterdam is currently being constructed and upon completion will comprise approximately 120,000 m² of storage and last mile, multi-layer distribution space. ALC is a multi-tenant complex and includes approximately 11,000 m² of office space, with approximately 1,700 parking spaces, 200 loading docks and a private 180-meter quay. CTP will acquire ALC from entrepreneurs Wim Beelen (Larendael Development) and Paul Vermaat (Bridges Real Estate). The ALC acquisition is the largest single-asset transaction in logistics real estate in the Netherlands to date.

The city hub meets the strong demand for storage and last-mile distribution space at a short distance from the city center, suitable for emission-free delivery and supplying the city center by both land and water. Amsterdam Logistic Cityhub is strategically located in the port of Amsterdam with direct access to the A10 ring road and the North Sea Canal. The city hub is expected to be completed in the fourth quarter of 2022 and is already partly leased up.

The construction is carried out according to the highest sustainability standards and business operations will be maximum energy neutral. The connection with the city centre by water enables transport with electrically powered boats, and with electricity generation through solar panels and wind turbines ALC is self-sufficient. ALC will be BREEAM Excellent certified as soon as the distribution centre is completed.

Ralph de Munnik, Director CTP Netherlands:

“We are extremely proud to have been able to conclude this agreement and look forward to intensive cooperation with the City of Amsterdam and Port of Amsterdam. The Amsterdam Logistic Cityhub is an absolute pioneer in the field of ‚last mile‘ logistics solutions to relieve busy city centers. There’s a strong demand for such logistics business space in the Amsterdam region and we expect this demand to only increase. Currently, the supply and the development pipeline in the region with a vacancy rate of approximately 6% are limited. The city hub is therefore a unique opportunity for us to serve both existing clients of CTP as well as new clients in the Amsterdam region and fits our profile as a property developer of high-tech business parks. The multi-tenant, sustainable and multimodal character of Amsterdam Logistic Cityhub combines all the aspects of a CTPark in one building. The acquisition is a wonderful addition to the CTP network and a great step in our ambition to accelerate our growth in the Netherlands.”

Wim Beelen, entrepreneur and inventor of ALC:

“The vision for Amsterdam Logistic Cityhub has always been strong. This transaction confirms CTP’s great confidence in the concept and the strong developments of the logistics market in the Amsterdam region. The Amsterdam Cityhub sets the tone for the future of logistics and contributes to the goal of an emission-free city. With the development of the city hub, we have set a new perspective on inner-city distribution. As a team, we are immensely proud to have brought the hub to where it is today and even prouder to end our ‚last mile‘ with a historic transaction.”